Release: In the Shadows

Let there be fright. In the Shadows is available now, DRM-free on is an emotional puzzle/platformer where you cast light on your creepy childhood fears, which then take the form of regular objects. Your memories of that time are equal parts whimsical and scary, same as the monsters who both help and hinder your […]

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Pre-order: Star Control: Origins

Counting stars. Star Control: Origins is now available for pre-order, DRM-free on is a sci-fi action/adventure with RPG elements and a new start for the beloved series. While investigating a far away distress signal upon Earth’s first interstellar starship, you stumble upon this procedurally created galaxy, full of unknown alien races. A plot is […]

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Release: Think of the Children

So many dumb ways to die. Think of the Children is now available DRM-free on with a 15% launch discount.No one said parenting was going to be easy. BBQ fires, exposed wires, escaped zoo animals, sharp objects – they’re all out to get the little ‘uns! Now, as a responsible and prudent parent, your […]

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Release: Mafia

Welcome back to the family. Mafia is now available DRM-free and only on action/adventure classic that you really shouldn’t refuse, finally returns. Embark on a celebrated open-world thriller and follow Tommy Angelo’s rise (or fall, depending on your perspective) to a perilous life of high-stakes crime in 1930s America. The city of Lost Heaven […]

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