Special Sale: Haunted Horrors

Classic Games

Up to 90% off several nightmarish treats: Layers of Fear, Stories Untold, Downfall Redux, Realms of the Haunting, Pathologic Classic HD, and more!

Fear lives in the unknown, the unsettling, the darkness lurking within and around us. It can poison the mind and paralyze the body but it can also be exhilarating, almost cathartic in those moments where you -temporarily- break free of its clutches and survive to scream another day. The freshly released Outlast 2 and the fast approaching Little Nightmares offer drastically different flavors of horror, so to celebrate their coming we’ve put together a large selection of diverse but undeniably effective Haunted Horrors, going for up to 90% off!

Sleepy seaside towns are the perfect setting for a scary story, just like the ones Alan Wake likes to produce. When he finds himself taking part in one, he knows that a happy ending is almost never an option, because no matter how strong your flashlight, there are some dark corners where its beam just cannot reach.

Mortals are not meant to see what lies beneath The Last Door. It’s a place of madness and despair, from whence ancient horrors slowly extend their tendrils to reach the most unfortunate or misguided of us. And yet, as long as the door remains closed, you can’t help but wonder what it would be like to get juuuust a quick glance…

Hide from stalking nightmares and seek the exuberance that only overcoming your fears can provide in our terrific selection of Haunted Horrors, containing lingering experiences like Oxenfree, Layers of Fear, Sanitarium, Alan Wake, Fran Bow, and more!

The Haunted Horrors Sale will last until May 2, 4:00 AM UTC.

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Source:: GOG – Good Old Games


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